Banshee tv wiki
Banshee tv wiki


Not only will they distract her offspring, but the banshee will attempt to drain their health rather than yours, leaving you free to attack at a safe distance. Another option is to use 1 tier Raise Dead spells cast away from yourself.Simply charge it up as an area of effect and make sure you are close enough to the Banshee the spell will initially slay her offspring, leaving her susceptible as the wave of fire hits her. Spell-casters should note that level 5 inferno is sufficient to kill any banshee and her minions in one hit.Melee Heroes should use their flourish ability to inflict the most damage.Head shots do much more damage to them, and should be utilized by gun slingers.About 3 or 4 shots with a Blunderbuss should defeat her. Once you defeat her unnatural offspring, she will be susceptible to any kind of attack.Watch out when fighting a Banshee's her unnatural offspring, while you are distracted she will slowly move closer and closer to you so she can attack you herself, so try to keep moving until you kill her minions.You must defeat these before you can damage the Banshee. When you come across one they will summon about 4 unnatural offspring to attack you.If you have the gun The Perforator or Hal's Rifle after killing all her unnatural offspring she summons usually one barrage will kill her quickly and efficiently.How did it feel to take another human life? You enjoyed it you relished it!."The soul of the one you killed wanders here."I have seen where murderers like you go."You should've never left your husband/wife alone!".

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"Think about all the endless hours you've wasted playing this game.Last night when I visited your home, he/she screamed your name as he/she died." "Your son/daughter is so sweet, like honey."Your husband/wife is cold and alone right now."Your son/daughter hates you, he/she will get a blade in the night and plunge it through your heart."."Not even your gold was enough to make her/him stay.".

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"Love wasn't enough to keep him/her with you."." Hammer still thinks her father's death is your fault."Why do you think you continue to cheat death? Not even oblivion wants you.".

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  • "You didn't have the backbone to put Bob out of his misery.".
  • He still keeps the gun with which he shot you and your sister."
  • " Lucien laughs every night as he remembers that night in his study.
  • She even gave her life, and what have you done about it? Nothing, nothing at all."
  • "Rose would have done anything to protect you.
  • "Think of all the time you've wasted fighting blame, when you could have been leading a normal life.".
  • "You still hear Rose's death cry when you try to sleep at night, don't you?".
  • "You think you're a hero? Taking orders from a weak, old, blind woman don't you have a mind of your own?".
  • "Could you do nothing to save your sister? Were you too weak to stop her death?".
  • "Did you know Rose didn't die right away from that shot? No, she watched you fall through that window, heard as your body thudded against the ground and cried bitter tears before a final shot from Lucien ended her life.".
  • "The prisoners of the Spire cry out your name.
  • "The people you see, all the people you talk to, they are not real.
  • "What would Rose say if she could see you now? Do you think she would be proud? Do you think she would recognize the creature you've become?".
  • "You bring only despair to this world.
  • "Nothing you do means anything, and when you die, you will be forgotten.".
  • "You are worthless, let me take your life now and put you to rest.".
  • "Do you really think everything in existence revolves around you? This world will carry on without your parasitic presence.".
  • These comments vary greatly and differ depending on the player's actions throughout the game.
  • She also seems to know that it is a game (see quotes).īanshees try to demoralize their victims through insults, as a means of distracting them, enraging them, or simply making them give up.
  • A Queen Banshee is larger than a normal Banshee with white robes and can summon 5 shadow children rather than 4.
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  • Banshees will taunt you in a ghastly voice about your past.

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